Smart Energy Analyzer
McCotter Energy has developed a mobile Energy Analyzer that will measure current performance characteristics of existing boiler systems. Accurate information on an existing boiler system is essential to size and source the correct high efficiency replacement or upgrade. The Smart Energy Analyzer will help build credibility with clients by providing them exact information about the performance of their existing equipment. The Smart Energy Analyzer can measure data and log:
- Supply and Return Water Temperature
- BTU Output
- Boiler Cycles
- Boiler Firing Rate
- O.A. Temperature
- Steam Pressure/Water Temperature
How does it work?
For instance, on a water boiler, strap-on sensors are placed on the boiler inlet and outlet piping and in ambient outside air. The Analyzer also monitors firing rate and boiler cycles via current sensors on the blower motor leads. The data is collected, collated in the Smart Energy Analyzer unit and graphed by McCotter Energy Systems in a clear and concise form for presentation to the client. The Smart Energy Analyzer is compact, easy to transport and install. The unit is available to our business partners to assist in providing the best possible efficiency solution for clients (based on availability).